Starring Sivakarthikeyan in the leading role, the comedy film Prince has been released in theaters on Friday, October 21. The romantic drama follows the hilarious drama that unravels when Sivakarthikeyan's character of a teacher falls in love with a British teacher, essayed by Maria Riaboshapka, while working together at the same school.

Moviegoers rushed to the cinema theatres to catch Prince for the first show on its first day of theatrical release and have called the movie a perfect festive release, saying that it's a 'complete entertainer' and a 'one-man show' from the actor, whose last theatrical release was Don which hit theatres in May this year.

Giving it four stars out of five, one Twitter user wrote, "#Prince complete entertainer! Worth the money. Siva carries the whole movie! Brilliant making! Few minutes lagging in the second half. Yet completed package. Loved it." Another tweet read, "#Prince - Okayish and Good entertainer, Fun Guaranteed @Siva_Kartikeyan Anna Rocked again".

"#Prince fun rollercoaster, pucca romcom, one man show by @Siva_Kartikeyan is the show stealer...starts slow at the first half and goes to the peak in the second half", read another tweet. "#Prince is a good comedy-drama, with Anudeep style of witty humour", wrote another moviegoer.

Sharing his detailed review, one cinegoer wrote, "#Prince Review POSITIVES: 1. #Sivakarthikeyan 2. Casting 3. Duration 4. Production Values 5. Screenplay 6. Music & BGM NEGATIVES: 1. Some One-liners 2. Some scenes looked rushed Overall, #PrinceMovie is another #SK mark entertainer for Family Audiences."

In the early morning on Friday, the Doctor star took to Twitter and wrote, "#Prince is all yours now. Director @anudeepfilm's style of humour will make you happy in this festive season. Enjoy this light-hearted, simple yet fun film in cinemas with your friends and family."