The animated film Flow, directed by Gints Zilbalodis, is generating excitement ahead of its U.S. release. The movie is set to premiere in Los Angeles and New York on November 22, 2024, with a nationwide release planned for December 6, 2024. This critically acclaimed feature, which previously won the grand prize at the Ottawa International Animation Festival, is also Latvia's official submission for the 2025 Academy Awards in the Best International Feature Film category​


Flow takes place on a newly aquatic Earth, where a great flood has submerged the planet. The story follows a courageous cat whose home is destroyed by the disaster. Teaming up with a capybara, a lemur, a bird, and a dog, the group sets off on a perilous journey by boat in search of dry land. This survival tale, free of dialogue, relies on its visuals and music to tell a deeply emotional and thought-provoking story. It emphasizes themes of friendship, resilience, and the fragility of the environment​

The film is Zilbalodis's second feature after his 2019 project, Away. Unlike his previous solo effort, Flow is an ambitious international co-production involving studios from Latvia, France, and Belgium. The animation was primarily created using Blender's open-source software, showcasing a blend of artistry and technological innovation​

Zilbalodis not only directed but also contributed to the film's screenplay, music, and editing. His collaborative work with co-writer Matīss Kaža and composer Rihards Zaļupe has added depth to this visually stunning project. The movie is expected to be a strong contender in the animated feature category at various award ceremonies​

With its unique storytelling approach and environmental undertones, Flow promises to be a visual and emotional experience. Fans of animation and cinema alike are eagerly awaiting its release later this year.