HBO's newest crime drama, Get Millie Black, premiered on November 25, 2024. This gripping series is a co-production with Channel 4 and Motive Pictures, featuring a unique blend of crime, family secrets, and international intrigue. Created by Booker Prize-winning author Marlon James, the five-part series has already drawn significant attention for its complex storyline and vivid portrayal of Jamaican life​

The show follows Millie-Jean Black, a former Scotland Yard detective played by Tamara Lawrance. After her mother’s death, Millie-Jean returns to her native Jamaica and joins the local police force. Her first major case involves the search for a missing girl, which uncovers hidden secrets linked to a powerful family. As the investigation unfolds, Millie-Jean faces challenges that test her professional skills and personal resilience. The arrival of Luke Holborn, a Scotland Yard detective with his own agenda, further complicates the case​

The cast includes standout performances from Joe Dempsie as Luke Holborn and Gershwyn Eustache Jr. as Millie-Jean’s dedicated partner, Curtis. The series also explores themes of identity, diaspora, and systemic challenges, creating a narrative that resonates with audiences worldwide​

Directed by Tanya Hamilton and Annetta Laufer, Get Millie Black has been praised for its cinematic visuals and compelling writing. The creative team, including writers Theresa Ikoko and Lydia Adetunji, has brought James’s vision to life, mixing crime drama with deeply personal storytelling​

The show airs weekly on HBO Max in the U.S., with new episodes every Monday at 9 PM ET/PT. It is also available internationally on platforms like Crave in Canada and Binge in Australia. British viewers will have to wait until 2025 when it debuts on Channel 4​

With its layered narrative and rich setting, Get Millie Black is shaping up to be one of the standout dramas of the year. Fans of crime thrillers and character-driven stories will not want to miss this series.