This drama-comedy explores the complexities of life through the eyes of a talkative protagonist, played by Bachchan. His character, described as someone who "lives to talk," navigates life’s challenges with optimism and wit. The teaser humorously portrays him explaining his perspective on life and communication, making it clear that the film will deliver both humor and poignant observations
The film marks the first collaboration between Abhishek Bachchan and Shoojit Sircar, who is known for his hits like Piku and Sardar Udham. Sircar, in interviews, has called the project a simple yet thought-provoking exploration of human emotions, guaranteed to bring smiles to viewers’ faces. Written by Ritesh Shah, the screenplay uses sharp dialogue and emotional depth to highlight themes of modern relationships and personal struggles
I Want To Talk boasts a stellar cast, including Pearle Maaney, Ahilya Bamroo, Jayant Kripalani, Kristin Goddard, and the veteran comedian Johnny Lever. Lever’s role is expected to add a touch of light-hearted humor to the film’s nuanced storytelling
Produced by Rising Sun Films and Kino Works, the movie has already created a buzz for its innovative narrative and compelling performances. With its mix of drama and dark humor, it promises to be one of the most talked-about releases of 2024
Mark your calendars for November 22 to experience this much-anticipated cinematic journey that celebrates life, communication, and the art of storytelling.