Bollywood Hungama had exclusively reported last month that the first Indo-Nepali film - Prem Geet 3 is all set to be released on Friday, September 23. The announcement got a rousing reception, surprising everyone. The poster, teaser, trailer and even the songs have been noticed and appreciated. Hence, the trade and industry are eagerly looking forward to the film’s release, which will take place two days from now.
Finally the teaser of the most awaited cinema ‘Prem Geet 3’ was released in both Nepali and Hindi languages. The Nepali teaser has already made its way in YouTube trending and ‘Prem Geet 3’ is twitter trending in India. If this is not success then what is!
The team released the Nepali and Hindi teaser of ‘Prem Geet 3’. The Nepali teaser has already made its way in YouTube trending and ‘Prem Geet 3’ is twitter trending in India. If this is not success then what is! It was welcomed with excitement and the audiences loved it. The comments are filled with positivity and hope for change and betterment for Nepali cine industry. The audiences love the teaser and are eagerly waiting to watch the cinema in big screen. The teaser depicts the love story of Prem and Geet and the obstacles that follow. Love or throne, Prem has to choose one!
The source added, “Prem Geet 3 will also be released in 500 screens, UAE, United Kingdom, Canada, USA, Singapore, Malaysia, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Japan, South Korea and many other countries in Europe. In these places, an opening of Rs. 2 crores is expected. In short, the opening day numbers would be around Rs. 5.50 crores. This is great news for a film, which has been made in just Rs. 11 crores (Rs. 6 crores being the cost of production and Rs. 5 crores being P&A costs).
Indian filmmaker Subhash Kale, the producer of Prem Geet 3, said, “Prem Geet 3 is the first Indo-Nepali film to be released in cinemas. I was sure it’s an apt film to begin this trend as it has scale, grandeur, emotions and music. It gives me immense joy to see that the film has generated such excitement. I am sure audiences would enjoy seeing this labour of love on the big screen.”
Directed by Santosh Sen and Late Chhetan Gurung, ‘Prem Geet 3’ stars Pradip Khadka and Christina Gurung in lead roles. At the time of teaser release, Sen posted a memorial note to Late Chhetan Gurung as both of their dreams are now seeing light. He believes wherever he is, he is happy with their achievement.
Written by Late Chhetan Gurung and Mandip Gautam, the cinema has Kalyan Singh and Alish Karki’s music, Rajesh Shrestha and Purushottam Pradhan’s cinematography and Himal KC’s action. Produced under the banner of Aasusen Films, Santosh Sen is the producer, Chakra Bahadur Chand and Bikram Sen executive producer and Kumar Shan shah and OSR Digital are co-producers of the cinema.
The third installment to the superhit cinema Prem Geet, ‘Prem Geet 3’ is all set to make history and break records. This cinema has already created history by being the first Indo-Nepali cinema. All the hard work, patience, dedication of the team has opened doors to Nepali cinema in the international market. ‘Prem Geet 3’ releases on Asoj 7 all over Nepal and India.