The trailer of Nigah Marda Ayi Ve features Sargun Mehta and Gurnam Bhullar in the leading roles. It opens with Sargun taking a dig at Gurnam Bhullar’s positivity as he’s still with her even when everything is going wrong. And then Sargun threatens Gurnam by saying he’ll have to drop her to her lover as he’s the reason why they aren’t together. 

This is followed by a road trip in which Gurnam Bhullar and Sargun Mehta’s chemistry makes them fall for each other. But is this love story going to be as simple as it looks? Probably not! This on-screen pair will have to go through some serious trouble which will surely serve fans with major twists. 

The storyline of the film is surely very unique as it is quirky and equally emotional. Nigah Marda Ayi Ve will entertain the audience with a good balance of comedy and drama. And apart from the plot, the film’s music is another plus point of the film. 

The film’s songs like Mallo Malli, Rog Mera Yaar and Koke Vich Dil are out and already impressing everyone around. The film looks like a visual treat as the locations, costumes and bright colors have added a lot of complimentary charm to the project. Also, to me personally the film’s trailer is giving strong vibes of Shah Rukh Khan & Anushka Sharma’s 2017 Bollywood movie Jab Harry Met Sejal. It might be because of the visual representation or something else, but the secrets will be soon unwebbed as soon as Nigah Marda Ayi Ve releases. 

After Surkhi Bindi & Sohreyan Da Pind Aa Gya, Nigah Marda Ayi Ve is the third project of the on-screen hit couple Sargun Mehta & Gurnam Bhullar. The film is all set to release on 17 March 2023, and the excitement among the fans is only increasing day by day. Now coming to the film’s credits, Niga Marda Aayi Ve is written and directed by Rupinder Inderjit who also directed this on-screen pair in their first movie together ‘Surkhi Bindi’. 

The film is presented by Rabba Production & Diamond Star Worldwide in association with Topnotch Studios UK, and produced by Raman Aggarwal, Gurnam Bhullar, Bally Singh Kakar and Vishal Johal.