The trailer of ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ was released recently and in a very short span of time, it not only got great views but has been garnering a lot of love and appreciation from all around. This rib-tickling comedy has its story unfolding in different layers and that is one of the reasons why people are looking forward to the movie, which is set to release on June 29, 2023.
But before the whole movie comes out and leaves an impression, here we are sharing the top 3 reasons why the trailer of ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ impressed us.
The trailer of ‘Carry On Jatta 3’ has shown that this film is going to carry forward the legacy of the franchise. Just like the last two installments, this one too is packed with a lot of confusion and madness. There is a main plot, then subplots, and plot twists. There’s a couple who wants to get married but faces issues, and then there’s a couple who is married, but says “ye mere kuware pati hai” (he is my unmarried husband). Confused already? Wait till the movie comes out.
On the one hand, where the story of the film is entertaining, on the other hand, the dialogue of the movie work as the cherry on the cake. From the iconic dialogues like ‘Saali gandi aulaad na maza na swaad’ and ‘Advocate Dhillon ne kala coat aiwi ni paya’, to the new ones, every line of the movie is meant to tickle your funny bones. No wonder the audience had been going gaga over the hysterical trailer.
‘Carry On Jatta 3’ is a multi starrer film. On the one hand, where it has actors like Gippy Grewal, Binnu Dhillon, Karamjit Anmol, Jaswinder Billa, BN Sharma, and Gurpreet Ghuggi, on the other hand, there are a number of new joiners like Kavita Kaushik, Nasir Chinyoti, Shinda Grewal, Jaggi Dhuri and more. And all these actors have given exemplary performances. In the trailer, we only got to see a glimpse of what they have to offer and we just can’t wait to have more of it.
Also Read: Gurpreet Ghuggi on 'Carry On Jatta 3' trailer launch: Cinema is not bound by language