Talking about Kangana and Chandramukhi 2, Raghava said, “When I was wondering who is going to play the most important part of the film, Chandramukhi, it was fixed that Kangana ma’am will be doing it. As someone who is a fan of this National Award-winner, who kept admiring her from a distance, it was good to get an opportunity to share the screen with her.”
He added, “To do a sequel to a Rajinikanth sir’s film, and that too with director P Vasu sir, is itself a great honour for me. I got the blessings of the superstar for doing the film.”
Kangana Ranaut, meanwhile, was excited about returning to Tamil cinema with Chandramukhi 2. “This is my third film in Tamil after Dham Dhoom and Thalaivii. I am happy all three have been good. Especially, Chandramukhi 2 because I haven’t done such a colourful film with elements like drama, fights, and songs. It is also a high point in my career to work with Raghava Lawrence sir, who made me so comfortable on the sets,” she said.
Raghava Lawrence is a director himself and has made one of the biggest hit franchises of Tamil cinema, the Kanchana series. When asked if he gave inputs to P Vasu while making Chandramukhi 2, Lawrence said, “How can I say anything to such a big director? I did whatever was asked of me by him. Only when it comes to comedy scenes, I made some suggestions.”
He added, “When I direct films, I wouldn’t like it if someone interferes with my scripts and ideas. When I know that, I wouldn’t go and do something about someone else’s idea. I will just do whatever is told to me.”
Kangana Ranaut revealed that there is a difference between the different iterations of Chandramukhi that have been enacted so far and hers in the upcoming film. “I am a fan of Jyotika ma’am’s Chandramukhi myself. However, unlike before, I am playing the real Chandramukhi in this film. I am not the one who gets possessed by Chandramukhi. That’s the difference. My character will reveal why she became a ghost in the first place. Lakshmi Menon’s character is the one which is inspired by Jyotika ma’am’s character. What I am doing in the film is playing the original Chandramukhi (laughs).”
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