Punjab’s vibrant history has found its cinematic homage in “Mastaney,” a period drama directed by Sharan Art. Tarsem Jassar, Karamjit Anmol, and Gurpreet Ghuggi lead a talented cast in this epic tale of brave Sikhs battling the formidable 18th-century invader Nader Shah. Released in five languages, “Mastaney” takes viewers on a journey back to a crucial moment in Sikh history. Here’s our detailed review of the film that has garnered a solid Kiddaan rating of 4 stars.

“Mastaney” opens with the heroic Sikh warriors launching attacks on Nader Shah’s camps. Their valor and determination are showcased as they loot the stolen treasures and rescue enslaved women. This sets the stage for a gripping narrative that follows the Sikhs’ defiant stand against oppression. The film captures the essence of their struggle, as five artists are roped in to impersonate Sikhs and challenge Nader Shah’s tyranny. The story’s pacing is deliberate, gradually building up momentum and culminating in a breathtaking climax.

Acting & Performances

Tarsem Jassar’s portrayal of Zahoor stands out with its captivating intrigue, reminiscent of Johnny Depp’s iconic Jack Sparrow. Gurpreet Ghuggi’s commanding performance impresses, showcasing his versatility beyond comedy. Karamjit Anmol, Honey Mattu, and Baninder Bunny deliver stellar performances that contribute to the film’s impact. Simi Chahal, though brief on screen, shines brightly in her role. Rahul Dev’s terrifying presence adds depth to the cast, while Avtar Gill and Arif Zakaria deliver notable performances.


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Sharan Art’s direction excels in navigating the challenges of the film’s theme while delivering a compelling story. The filmmakers handle the sensitive subject matter with finesse, showcasing the significance of Sikhism and Punjab’s history. While the slow screenplay and film length could have been refined, “Mastaney” remains a commendable project in terms of direction.

Mastaney Music & Dialogues Review

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“Mastaney” boasts a simple yet engaging playlist, with the song “Shehzada” standing out as particularly entertaining. The background music enhances the film’s emotional resonance. The film’s dialogues, including powerful shayaris, leave a lasting impact and contribute to its overall appeal.


“Mastaney Movie Review” emerges as a must-watch film that celebrates Punjab’s heroic past. It offers a gateway into Sikh culture, shedding light on its significance and struggles. While a slower pace and length deduction affect the rating slightly, “Mastaney” remains a compelling watch. Team Pollywood Vox rates it 4 stars, making it a film well worth your time. Support the industry’s growth and delve into this riveting tale.


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