The trailer of Vicky Kaushal's next, The Great Indian Family is finally out. On Tuesday, production banner Yash Raj Films shared the trailer of the family drama written and directed by Vijay Krishna Acharya. Also starring Manushi Chillar, the film is slated for a release on September 22. (Also read: Vicky Kaushal dances his heart out in new song Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja, internet points out the website is now called X)
The trailer begins in a small town named Balarampur, where Vicky Kaushal's Bhajan Kumar makes an entry. He sings Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aja and introduces his name: Ved Vyas Tripathi. He gives a glimpse of his family, who are part of the pandit community that have lived in Balarampur since generations. Still, he complains how his only problem was that he was unable to find anyone to date as girls would touch his feet for seeking blessings.
As Manushi Chillar's character arrives in his town, Vicky tries to impress her. With everything going smoothly from hereon, Bhajan Kumar then interrupts and says how even God's sense of humour is just too risky to be taken for granted.
He is shocked upon reading a letter that hints that he may actually be a Muslim. Problems and confusions surround him soon and Bhajan Kumar has to go against his family to prove his point. Although nothing more is revealed in the trailer, the tagline reads that the film is 'the biggest confusion of the year.'
Fan reactions
Reacting to the trailer, a fan commented, "Vicky's screen presence is magnetic. He draws you into the story effortlessly." Another wrote, "I can't get over how good Vicky looks in this role. Total heartthrob!" A fan said, "Vicky's smile is infectious, and it lights up the entire trailer!"
The Great Indian Family also stars Manoj Pahwa, Kumud Mishra, Yashpal Sharma, Alka Amin, Shrishti Dixit, Bhuvan Arora and Bharti Perwani in key roles. The first song from the film, Kanhaiya Twitter Pe Aaja was released a few weeks ago, where Vicky Kaushal was seen dancing up a storm on stage with the audience cheering him on.
The Great Indian Family marks Vicky's second release of the year. He was last seen in Zara Hatke Zara Bachke, where he starred alongside Sara Ali Khan.
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