Ram Pothineni’s ‘Skanda’ hit the theatres on September 28. The film, which also stars Sreeleela and Saiee Manjrekar, has been touted as an actioner. Now, the verdict on the film is out as well. Several users took to X, formerly known as Twitter, to share their review of ‘Skanda’ and while some loved it, some did not find it to be that good.

Ram Pothineni-starrer ‘Skanda’ is out. Touted as a massy film, it was released amidst much fanfare. Now, the Internet has shared its verdict on the film. Here is what they have to say:

Early on in director Boyapati Sreenu’s Telugu mass outing Skanda - the attacker, starring Ram Pothineni, Sreeleela and Saiee Manjrekar, the Telangana chief minister’s (Sharath Lohithaswa) son elopes with the daughter of Andhra Pradesh chief minister (Ajay Purkar). The two CMs, erstwhile friends, turn foes. One snarls at the other, ‘Naa inti gate kaadhu, naa state toll gate dhaatu choodham (forget crossing the gates of my house, let me see if you can cross my State’s toll gates)’. If you are wondering which CM will win, midway through the film, a character introduces himself as Seema bidda (son of Rayalaseema soil) and later brings both the CMs to their knees. Another character warns the CMs that they will not hesitate to turn anything or anyone who stands in their way into pickles and bottle them up in jars! Oh well. One way to watch Skanda is to be amused by such lines, because it doesn’t have much going for it anyway.

Ram Pothineni's much awaited film Skanda, directed by Boyapati Sreenu, and co-starring Sree Leela and Saiee Manjrekar among others took a decent start at the worldwide box office as it collected Rs 14.75 crores gross. The opening was slightly lower in the morning but there was substantial growth in the evening and night shows. These are Ram's career best numbers, comfortably greater than the numbers that iSmart Shankar.had registered earlier. 


Skanda Takes A Decent Start At The Box Office Despite It Being Ram Pothineni's Biggest Opener

The opening day numbers of Skanda are deemed as decent, primarily because of the high prices that the film has been sold at. The APTS rights have been sold for Rs 40 crores and the rest of the rights in India and overseas have been sold for Rs 4 crores. The extended weekend, along with decent word of mouth should hopefully ensure that Skanda proves to be a safe venture for its investors.


The territorial breakdown for the gross box office collection of Skanda in India is as follows:

Nizam - Rs. 4.95 crores (Rs. 2.72 crores share excluding gst)

Ceeded - Rs. 1.80 crores (Rs. 1.35 crores share)

Andhra - Rs. 4.96 crores (Rs. 3.32 crores share including hires. Rs 2.64 crores excluding hires)

AP/TS - Rs. 11.71 crores (Rs.  7.39 crores share including hires. Rs 6.71 crores excluding hires)

Karnataka - Rs. 0.75 crores

Tamil Nadu - Rs. 0.15 crores

North India - Rs. 0.10 crores

Rest Of India - Rs 1 crore (Rs 0.48 crores share)

All India Total - Rs. 12.71 crores (Rs. 7.87 crores share including hires. Rs 7.19 crores excluding hires)


The worldwide breakdown for the gross box office collection of Skanda is as follows:

Total India - Rs 12.71 crores (Rs. 7.87 crores share including hires. Rs 7.19 crores excluding hires)

USA - 185k USD

Rest - 60k USD


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