Thalapathy Vijay and Lokesh Kanagaraj scored a massive hit with 'Leo', which is on its way to surpass the Rs 600-crore mark worldwide. To celebrate the massive success of 'Leo', the makers arranged a special event for the fans at the Nehru Indoor Stadium in Chennai on November 1. The cast and crew of 'Leo' including Thalapathy Vijay, Trisha, Lokesh Kanagaraj and several others participated at the event. Sanjay Dutt, who played the main villain, gave it a miss. At the event, Vijay addressed several topics including social media fights, provided a hint at his political entry and also added that 'there could be only one Superstar', putting an end to fan wars.

Since the audio launch of 'Leo' was cancelled due to overflowing demand for tickets, his ardent fans missed his speech. At the success meet, which was attended by the members of Vijay Makkal Iyakkam, they witnessed Vijay doing what he does best.


Thalapathy Vijay arrived in style at the event and waved to his fans as he entered the venue. He looked dapper in a sandal shirt and blue denims.

Vijay began his speech with his trademark line, 'En nenjil kudiyirukkum anbaana nanba and nanbigal (My wishes to my loving fans who reside in my heart)."

Vijay then quoted Bharathiyar and Abdul Kalam and asked his fans to dream big and have big aims in life.

Thalapathy Vijay at 'Leo' success meet in Chennai


Vijay's 'Naa Ready Dan' song from 'Leo' was embroiled in controversy after an activist filed a complaint against it for allegedly 'glorifying smoking, drug abuse and rowdyism'.

The 'Leo' actor quoted a few lines from the song and came up with alternative meanings for it. He then added, "I can come up with many alternative meanings to the song, but I don't want to do it. I request you all to watch a film as a film. All around the world, cinema is seen as a form of entertainment. There will be a good guy and a bad guy. Certain things are added into the film to differentiate between a good guy and a bad guy. I don't have to explain all this to you. I know that you guys know it already."

He then asked if the fans were that immature to ape what's being done in films. "Take only the good things [from a film] and leave the rest. Not just cinema, we see bad things happening around us all the time. There are a lot of wine shops on our way to schools and colleges. Do the kids have alcohol before going to school? You are all shrewd. You guys love me so much. But, if I make a bad film, you'll be like 'poda' and leave it," he explained.