The trailer of the Tamil drama, 'The Village' was released today, November 17. The upcoming horror-thriller will mark actor Arya's OTT debut. Directed by Milind Rau, it revolves around eerie creatures, mutants and an unending night of terror that seems to relentlessly haunt a family.

On Friday, November 17, the trailer of Arya's 'The Village' was released. The web series is set to premiere on Prime Video on November 24.

The fast-paced, action-packed story takes its audience deep into the desolate lands of Tamil Nadu's village Kattiyal, where Gautham (Arya) and his family encounter a living form of horror they never imagined in their worst nightmare.

The trailer introduces viewers to a family of three, eager to set out on a road trip. However, the excitement soon turns dangerous as a shocking montage introduces a terrifying village infested by dreadful mutants, where death seems unpredictable.


While speaking about his OTT debut in a press note, Arya expressed his excitement and said that he always believed that horror, as a genre, is challenging for any actor. He said, "I am excited that my original streaming debut begins with the horror genre and that too with a series like The Village. Horror is a genre that I personally believe to be quite challenging for any actor to showcase their acting skills and talent. What’s really exciting about The Village, is that it’s not your run-of-the-mill horror of ghosts and evil spirits but is more contemporary with strong elements of sci-fi and fantasy."


Directed by Milind Rau, 'The Village' is produced by B.S.Radhakrishnan’s Studio Shakthi and is written by Milind Raju, V. Deeraj Vaidy, and Deepthi Govindarajan. It features an ensemble cast of Divya Pillai, Aazhiya, Aadukalam Naren, Geroge M, Poo Ram, Muthukumar, Kalai Raani, John Kokken, Pooja, Jayaprakash, Arjun, and Thalaivasal Vijay, in pivotal roles.