The craze for Ajay Devgan's upcoming film 'Bhola' has started appearing even before its release. The film will be released in theaters on 30 March. Even before coming on the big screen, the trailer and songs of the film are getting good response on social media. Although there are still two days left for the release of the film, the first review of the film has surfaced on Twitter. People who have seen the film have described it as a great film which keeps the audience engaged for the whole 3 hours. Apart from Ajay Devgan, Tabu, Sanjay Mishra and Shridhar Dubey will also be seen in this film. Along with acting, this film has also been directed by Ajay Devgan. This is a remake of South's hit film 'Kathy'.
First review of movie Bhola
Always Bollywood has done the first review of Bhola movie. He has given 4 stars to the film. It has been said in the review that Bhola is a great film. The film is full of action and emotion and moves very fast. The visuals of this film are also superb. In the review, the screen presence of Ajay Devgan and Tabu has been described as excellent. Although the veracity of this Twitter page's review is still in doubt, but according to Bollywood Life, this review has been done by a member of the censor board.
The film earned so many crores from advance booking
Bollywood has high hopes regarding the film. Before Bhil, Ajay Devgan was seen in 'Drishyam 2'. This film proved to be a big hit at the box office. That's why everyone's hopes have been added to this film of Ajay Devgan. Advance booking for the film's opening day started 11 days before the release. Now it will be interesting to see how much the opening collection of the film is. On the first day of its advance booking, Bhola sold a total of 40 lakh tickets across the country. According to the news, till now the advance booking of Bhola has crossed 1 crore. It is expected that it will cross the first day's total booking of 3.65 crores of 'Tu Jhoothi Main Makkar'. If this happens, then the film will cross the figure of 10-15 crores on the opening day because due to Ramnavami, there may be a crowd of viewers to watch the film.