Fast X's release date in India is only a day away. Vin Diesel's Fast X, which premiered at The Space Cinema Roma Moderno in Rome on May 12, was released first in parts of Europe on May 17, and will be out in the United States and India on May 19. Following the release in some places, many of critics have shared their impressions of the film. Fast X received mixed reviews from critics, with praise for Jason Momoa's performance. Also read: A recap of the Fast and Furious movies ahead of Fast X

On Thursday, several critics took to Twitter to share their thoughts about the film. While, the latest installment in the Fast and Furious universe is, once again, all about the family, the most outstanding performance came from the villian, Jason Momao, as per most critics.

Variety's Fast X review said that with a new director (Louis Leterrier) in the driver's seat, ‘this first part of a vaguely defined finale spins its wheels, while Vin Diesel and company try to decide where the franchise is going’. Peter Debruge, associated with the publication, wrote in his review, “Two more movies to finish off this franchise? That’s too much. It’s bad enough that “Fast X” is half a story: an elaborate reunion of all the A-list characters the previous nine movies introduced (yes, all of them), that starts-and-stalls its way toward a cliffhanger...”

Johnny Oleksinski called Fast X ‘another idiotic Fast and Furious sequel’ in his review for the New York Post. He wrote, "Paradoxically, everything and nothing happens in Fast X, directed by Louis Leterrier. Characters from previous films return to the series expecting entrance applause, while we stretch to remember who they even are. Old events are dredged up as if anybody can actually recall them. The plot is both highly intricate and totally inane. Oscar winners Helen Mirren and Charlize Theron return in their pointless criminal roles of Queenie and Cipher. They’re joined by another Best Actress victor, Brie Larson, as Tess, who helps Letty when she’s trapped in Antarctica."

Discussing Film tweeted on Thursday, "In an odd way, the narrative of Fast X echoes Avengers: Infinity War of all things." In his review for the website, James Preston Poole wrote, "Vin Diesel’s Dom Toretto holds Fast X together in our A-plot that introduces one of the movie’s greatest assets: Jason Momoa as new foe Dante Reyes. The comparisons to the Joker are very much warranted, as Dante is a gleeful psychopath – a flamboyant lone wolf who wants not simply to kill the family, but to make them suffer. His reckless commitment to the most despicable acts possible brings a manic energy to the movie that courses through its veins even when he’s not on screen."

Many critics praised Jason. Collider's Ross Bonaime wrote, "The biggest, wildest, and most brilliant addition to Fast X is the new antagonist Dante (Jason Momoa), the son of Fast Five’s drug lord Hernan Reyes. Since Dom brought an end to Hernan in that film’s climactic chase, Dante wants revenge and to make Dom suffer. And since Dom literally can’t go more than ten minutes without mentioning how much family means to him, Dante knows exactly where to hit to hurt Dom the most. With tech stolen from Cipher (Charlize Theron), a deep need for vengeance, and the desire to destroy Dom’s family, Dante might be the most intimidating villain that the F&F franchise has seen so far."