To deliver an action-filled drama once again, Vijay Antony’s Bichagadu 2 will hit the cinemas tomorrow in theatres. This movie will be the sequel to Bichagadu which was a Blockbuster hit for this actor when released in 2016. To make this movie, the music composer turned actor appears to have become an all-arounder. Vijay Antony is the writer, director, producer, lead actor, editor, and music director of this film. The trailer and songs of this movie have already been released and the latest update is about its pre-release business.
This film will be released in Tamil as Pichaikkaran 2 and in Telugu as Bicchagadu 2. Similarly, Bhikshuka-2 will be released in Kannada and Bhikshakkaran-2 in Malayalam. According to trade reports, the film has collected Rs 6 crore from two Telugu states. This film will be released in Telugu on around 300 screens. The film was sold at Rs. 2.2 crore in Telangana (Nizam), while Rayalaseema (seeded) got the makers Rs. 1 crore. The response is expected to be good as the prequel of this movie was a Box Office hit.
After purchasing the Telugu dubbing rights for Rs. 2 crore, Chadalavada Krishnamurthy launched the first Bichagadu film at the time. The first part of the movie earned a share of Rs 14.8 crore after its release. By publishing it on his own, the producer made a fortune. This film grossed Rs. 10.3 crore in Tamil Nadu alone.
Bichagadu 2 wowed audiences with its initial trailer and teaser, enticing them with a new setup this time by including science as its main plot. The trailer is filled with visually rich scenes. This film stars Dev Gill, Hareesh Peradi, John Vijay, Radha Ravi, Mansoor Ali Khan, Y G Mahendran, and others. This film’s cinematography is by Vijay Milton and Om Prakash, and it is produced by Fatima Vijay Antony under the banner of Vijay Antony Productions. With this film, the Telugu actor makes his directorial debut. It’s impressive that he’s also in charge of editing and music, in addition to directing.