Syed Sohel Ryan, more popularly known as Sohel to those familiar with Bigg Boss Telugu, is back with his second release of the year - Mr Pregnant. The film, written and directed by Srinivas Vinjanampati, has Sohel paired opposite Uma Maheshwara Ugra Roopasya actress Roopa Koduvayur. Mr Pregnant is jointly produced by Appireddy, Venkat Annapareddy and Ravinder Reddy Sajjala.In an interaction with the media about the project, one of the producers Appireddy admitted that making a film like Mr Pregnant was a huge challenge but said he backed it because of the script’s approach to male pregnancy and mother sentiment. He expressed his satisfaction with the output and also for the fact that it’s being distributed by a leading banner like Mythri Movie Makers.

Appireddy mentioned that Shravan Bharadwaj’s music is one of the film’s strengths. Venkat Annapareddy, another producer, stated the biggest challenge with concept based films produced by his banner - going beyond budget - and mentioned they’re coming up strategies to overcome the bottleneck. He shared many actors were in consideration for Mr Pregnant, but Sohel’s presence and behaviour in Bigg Boss helped the makers with their casting decision.

Ravinder Reddy Sajjala mentioned a concept like Mr Pregnant hasn’t been explored before in Telugu cinema and called it a thought-provoking film with a good mix of emotions and entertainment. The producers were all praise for Sohel’s realistic performance of a pregnant and felt it’ll remind many men of what their wives went through during pregnancy. Mic Movies has four-five films in the pipeline with two of them having one on floors already.

Suhasini Maniratnam, Raja Ravindra, Brahmaji, Ali, Harsha, Abhishek Reddy Bobbala, Swapnika played other key roles in Mr Pregnant. Nizar Shafi cranked the camera for the film while Nizar Shafi and Prawin Pudi took care of the cinematography and editing. Mr Pregnant hits screens this Friday alongside films like Jilebi, Prem Kumar, Pizza 3 and several other small budget projects.