Recently, at a promotional event for Telugu star Nani’s upcoming film Hi Nanna, vacation pictures of Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda were displayed on the big screen, hinting that the two are dating. This did not sit well with many, including Hi Nanna’s heroine, Mrunal Thakur, who felt uncomfortable. Now, Nani has come forward with an apology for the incident.
The incident happened at the Hi Nanna event held in Visakhapatnam. Everyone was taken by surprise when the pictures were put on the big screen. Nani and Murnal were seen sporting an embarrassing smile. The anchor of the show asked the technician to take it down, but it all looked like a pre-planned stunt.
When asked about the same, Nani told M9, “”It’s unfortunate that happened. Even before I realised what was happening, the picture was taken down. We are all close friends. Vijay and Rashmika realise these things are happening. But, if someone was truly hurt by it, the team and I apologise for it.” Nani said neither anchor Suma nor he were aware of what was going to happen. “It’s a movie event, not one for a gossip website for us to pull such stunts,” the actor added.
Both Rashmika Mandanna and Vijay Deverakonda have not spoken about the incident yet. The incident has also left fans wondering if the Geetha Govindam stars are real life lovers too. Both have so far maintained that they are only good friends. Other than Geetha Govindam, the two acted in Dear Comrade.
Nani was asked in an interview with M9 why Vijay and Rashmika’s pictures were shown on-screen and he said, “It’s unfortunate that happened. Even before I realised what’s happening the picture was taken down. We are all close friends, Vijay and Rashmika realise these things happen. But, if someone was truly hurt by it, me and the team apologise for it.”