The trailer of Sathish's upcoming Conjuring Kannappan is out. The film marks the debut venture of Selvin Raj Xavier, a former assistant to directors Chimbu Deven and Sumanth Radhakrishnan.

Also Read: Conjuring Kannappan: Regina Cassandra and Sathish's next is a horror fantasy

All about the trailer

The trailer, which spans 2 minutes 27 seconds, shows Sathish waking up to a recurring dream. In the dream, his character is seen in a deserted palace where he feels the presence of a ghost. Later, he realises he has been having the dream because he plucked a feather from an intriguing and possessed dreamcatcher. Later, his entire family plucks the remaining feathers and they all start getting dreams about the palace. How the family tackles the ghost in the palace in the dream, forms the plot.

Youtube preview

Regina Cassandra plays the leading lady in the horror comedy. With a slew of comedians in the film, including Nasser, Anand Raj, Saranya Ponvannan, VTV Ganesh, Redin Kingsley, Elli AvrRam, Jason Shah, Benedict Garrett, Namo Narayana, and Adithya Kathir, the film is billed as a laugh riot.


Selvin Raj Xavier on his maiden venture

The film's director Selvin Raj Xavier had earlier stated that Conjuring Kannappan will be a compelling mixture of comedy, horror and fantasy and that it will appeal to audience of all age groups. Conjuring Kannappan is bankrolled by AGS Entertainment, marking their 24th production. While Archana Kalpathi is the creative producer, SM Venkat Manickam is the executive producer. AGS Production's 25th project is Vijay's next, which is tentatively being referred to as Thalapathy 68, helmed by Venkat Prabhu.